Experience the Difference (2025)

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WE ARE THEEXPERTSIn the Traverse City area, we are known as the experts in allaspects of funeral service with countless flexible options ranging from fullservice to the most minimal services possible. We can help with Cremation(before or after the Memorial Service) traditional earth burial, Medical Schooldonations and Green Burial.


We are the funeral home people have come to trust and dependon today and tomorrow. We are honored to serve our community through thedecades and generations. We will help guide you through the process with the"Reynolds-Jonkhoff difference" of remembering your loved one and reflectingthe life that was lived. Anything from flannel shirts and blue jeans to suitand tie with the service at the funeral home or venue of your choice, we thriveon making every service meaningful and a one of a kindtribute.


We are the most experienced with all local customs,traditions, religions, unique service venues and close relationships withvendors, knowing who to call to get the task done quickly and seamlessly.OUR WORK FAMILY MEMBERS

The Jonkhoff family has been in funeral service since1824. Reynolds-Jonkhoff Funeral Home fifth generation co-owners since1992, Dan and Peg Jonkhoff, are on-site and are able to make split seconddecisions.We have a caring team of knowledgeable, highly trainedprofessionals empowered to make decisions immediately.


Regardless of the hour of day or night, we are always highlyprofessional; from consistent dress code to mannerisms, behavior, and standardsof excellence with every family we are honored to serve.BASIC SERVICE CHARGE

We have the least expensive Basic Service Charge in the area,providing services 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, as well as many support staffin addition to our funeral directors to help families with their everyneed. We have many individuals who specialize in areas such as insuranceclaims, video & media production, Veterans Benefits services who arrangefor Military honors, church or graveside services 7 days per week, and griefsupport resources all provided with no hidden or additionalcharges.

(Read them here)

Countless families share heart-warming, rave reviews of theexcellence in funeral service they receive time and again.The familiesthat we are privileged to serve are extremely satisfied and appreciative of ourcaring expertise before, during, and long after the funeral or memorialservice.


Our historic funeral home serves as a sacred space 7 days perweek, is in immaculate condition inside and out, and provides comfort beyondcompare with state of the art features ranging from TV monitors throughout thehouse so everyone can hear and see the service, to web streaming anywhere inthe world.AWARD WINNING EXCELLENCE

We have been honored to be recognized by the National FuneralDirector's Association (NFDA) for the past 20 years with our "Pursuit ofExcellence" award and two times for the "Best of the Best"award!Of the nearly 11,000 member funeral homes of the NFDA, only 160funeral homes earned the Pursuit of Excellence award in 2020.

(Read them here)
We are locals supporting locals and we are proud tocontribute our time, talent and treasure to many special organizations such asGrand Traverse Pavilions, TART, Traverse City Junior Golf Association, Old TownPlayhouse, Great Lakes Children's Museum and Northwestern Michigan College, toname a few.CONTINUING EDUCATION RESOURCES

We belong to many funeral service related educationalorganizations to help us maintain our progressive forward momentum. Membershiporganization examples include Selected Independent Funeral Homes, (byinvitation only) Cremation Association of North America, and the Green BurialSociety.


Regardless of any and all circumstances, we serve allfamilies with the same care and compassion like we would a member of our ownfamily.

Experience the Difference (2025)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.